We are poised to assist you with your spiritual needs. God commissioned us to bring healing, deliverance and salvation to the total man: Spirit, Soul and Body. We appreciate you and hope that we can serve your needs.
Here at FGCAI, we are equipped to instruct, encourage, motivate and build the Body of Christ to complete its original mandate, predestined and foreordained by God. Purpose, family, commitment, legacy and destiny are not just “catch phrases,” at FGCAI. We aspire to live these attributes to show the glory of God throughout the world.
Our focus is family, building strong, healthy, and committed families that are able to provide vision to the worldwide community with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. FGCAI has been called to bring restoration to individuals and families thus impacting entire nations and releasing the kingdom of God into areas where darkness prevails.
We understand man’s full potential is only released when he is reconciled to God the creator of the Universe. All that God has invested within you is awaiting your response to Him.
At FGCAI, we are equipped to instruct, encourage, motivate and build the Body of Christ to complete its original mandate, predestined and foreordained by God. Purpose, family, commitment, legacy and destiny are not just “catch phrases”, at FGCAI. We aspire to live these attributes to show the glory of God throughout the World. Our population composition is multi-cultural, interracial, multi-ethnic and seeker friendly. One of our greatest ministry strengths is that we’re family centered with a high emphasis on love. Full Gospel Christian Assemblies International, has been called by many, the “Love Church”.
As you browse through our site, we hope you can sense that our overall desire is to minister to you, the saving grace of Jesus Christ. Bringing clarity and destroying the walls of tradition are a major thrust for us. We’ve come to understand that the timetable of God for man is vital. Because you’ve showed up at our website, we’d like to invite you to experience what God is doing at FGCAI. Winds of change are taking place internationally; it is vitally important that you pay close attention to the times and seasons that you may discern for yourself the destiny God has planned for you. Hopefully from viewing our site, we can develop a new and exciting relationship with you.